My Life at Thunderbird School of Global Management

Pankaj T. shares his experience at Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Q :- You have been one of those highly respected lot of students who have been doing higher studies at Thunderbird School of Global Management. How does it feel to be at Thunderbird School of Global Management USA?
A :- It feels like dream came true. Studying at #1 ranked (International) business school in the world is amazing experience. Lots of study and lots of enjoyment on daily basis. A very high tech learning environment. Very knowledgeable professors, giving latest updates on business world, very practical knowledge. It’s all amazing!

Q :- Please tell us about which course you are studying and why did you choose that course?
A :- I’m pursuing my MBA in Global Finance. I chose this course, primarily because of my interest and my banking and finance background that HSBC has provided. So with my MBA in Finance, I can leverage my professional work experience to fulfill my career goals.

Q :- Why did you choose the USA for higher education?
A :- Firstly, The US education system is a practical and application based system, this is what attracted me most about studying in USA. Secondly, the US is world’s no.1 economy that controls the global economy in all means. The US, where all latest things happen will be best place to study business education especially the finance. And lastly, US business schools are world renowned. After graduating from here, a bright and exciting career is assured in any part of the world.

Q :- How is Thunderbird School of Global Management different than any other USA University based on whatever you have heard from your friends about?
A :- Thunderbird has differentiated itself with other US B-schools in many ways. Firstly, it provides you total international business focused education. How a global business leader will be successful in today’s global business atmosphere is what you learn in Thunderbird. Secondly, Thunderbird focuses on ethics in business and Cultural Intelligence in all ways. You feel it as soon as you step in the campus. Lastly, it’s a place for all the “misfits”. Misfits means people who think differently, who work differently and who behave differently. This is what the key of success as global business leader.

Q :- Are you happy with your decision?
A :- Absolutely, yes.

Q :- Where do you eat? Do you cook yourself?
A :- I eat at home and sometimes in campus. But lots of other students who live on campus eat in school cafeteria.

Q :- Where do you live? On-campus or off-campus and why?
A :- I live (off-campus) with my brother here at Scottsdale. To cut on living costs.

Q :- Please share some of your experiences of the USA for aspiring students
A :- The best investment in life is on you in the form of education. And I assure you that MBA in US would be an investment that you would never regret. Go for it! It’s really worth.

Q :- What’s your advice to students who aspire to go to the USA for higher studies?
A :- A higher study in the US means expense around in the range from $80,000 to &100,000 so think carefully each and every step you are taking. Be serious and clear about future goals. Most important thing, and most difficult at the time, is choosing the best school, which fits in with your requirement. So perform a thorough research before taking a decision. And finally, be ready for lots for hard work (daily). All the very best!

Q :- Other than academics, what else did you learn from the country USA?
A :- Most important part about study in the US is learning about a new culture altogether. This is an opportunity to get to know different people, how they work, how they behave and you learn a lot from all these things, which is a life time experience.

Q :- How are the studies in the USA different than the studies in India?
A :- Studies in the US are very creative, interactive and practical. Everything is so high-tech that laptop and internet becomes primary needs for studies. Exams are very creative, not theory based but all are very practical and application oriented. Course material is very latest to the industry and class discussions are based on latest happening in the business world. Final grades are not just based on your final exams but also based on you participation on class discussions, team work, team projects, daily assignments and so on. So get lot of opportunity to get a good grades and it makes learning very interesting.

Q :- Is it worth spending so much money to get a degree from the USA as compared to similar degree in India with lower costs?
A :- I would say it’s worth investing in you to in the form of MBA from the US. We have professors here who are visiting faculty in ISB, Hyderabad and we have students in Thunderbird from IIM Bangalore who are studying here as part of exchange program. The reason for giving these details is faculties in the US b-schools are world class; curriculum is world class and the learning environment in exciting and latest to the industry that you will not get that in Indian b-schools until unless they like IIMs so in that category.

Q :- What’s your advice to parents of aspiring students?
A :- Generally parents worry about the security of their children studying in foreign countries. In the US, I can say it’s very secure. There is no racism in the US as compare to Australia or UK. The US people are really good, especially the school staff and that community. They help every international student in all the possible way they can.
As far as quality of education is there, there is no comparison. Its worth doing MBA from the US. I would suggest that don’t go for any school. Now a day, it’s also a business for American B-schools to attract international students because they get very high fees from international students. So do thorough analysis about the school before applying or taking admission. Take help from students who are already doing their studies in the US to get accurate information. If you have any relative in the US, then I would advise to choose a school in that area so that it’s helpful for the student to get in touch with them and it’s kind of moral support.

Q :- Key things to remember for parents and students while planning for the studies in the USA
A :- A good school and funding for fee & living are the keys.

Q :- What are you future plans?
A :- My future plan is to get a internship in the US, which would be helpful to get a full-time job. The US economy is getting better so I’m hoping for something good to come in my way.

Q :- How did you fund your higher education?
A :- I’m very much thankful to Credila for giving me education loan to fund my studies.

Q :- Why did you choose Credila?
A :- There are a couple of reasons I chose Credila:
1] They are not a bank in the first place; they are specialist in international loans.
2] This makes them different than any other financial institute.
3] They are real quick in all the processing from applying to loan approval.
4] Interest rate is lower than any other financial institute.
5] Amount of loan provided is higher than any other financial institute.

Q :- If Credila arranges a chat session with you for prospective students sometime in the future, will you be available for the chat on Credila’s expert chat session?
A :- I can’t promise because once schools are open I get very busy and there is time difference also. But let me know and if I’m available, I would be happy to join the chat session.

Q :- Any other advice to students and parents?
A :- I think I covered almost everything.

Q :- Any other references you can give us who can answer similar interviews?
A :- I know none as of now.

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